with favour

美 [wɪð ˈfeɪvər]英 [wɪð ˈfeɪvə(r)]
  • 持赞同态度地
with favourwith favour
  1. The government looks with favour upon the report 's recommendations .


  2. No one would look with favour on the continuing military rule


  3. His request has been regarded with favour by the committee .


  4. Most of the newspapers seem to look with favour upon the new cabinet .


  5. He looked on my plan with favour .


  6. As a new photocatalyst , titanium dioxide ( anatase titanium dioxide ) is now looked upon with favour for its magical function .


  7. The Lord received Abel and his gift with favour ; but Cain and his gift he did not receive .


  8. For thou , LORD , wilt bless the righteous ; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield .


  9. And it was darKly rumoured that the butler , regarding him with favour such as that stern man had never shown before to mortal boy , had sometimes mingled porter with his table-beer to make him strong .


  10. The accounting standard with newest favour changed name of these two subject !


  11. His first novel met with great favour when it was published in new york .


  12. If you want to taste more food with special favour without going to a distant place , please come to our local and special products shop .


  13. Silk blouses are brightly coloured and beautifully designed . They 're met with great favour overseas and are always in great demand .


  14. He was so far from having harshly exacted payment of his dues , that he had relinquished them of his own will , thrown himself on a world with no favour in it , won his own private place there , and earned his own bread .


  15. The vote passed with 111 in favour and 25 against .


  16. Smaller clubs , struggling with finances , favour extracting every penny from upfront payments , an approach which favours pay-TV operators .


  17. We can confidently assert that any business with which you may favour us will be transacted in such a manner as will afford you the fullest satisfaction .


  18. The results showed that asphaltenes separated from the studied crudes all contain the emulsifiable active components which form the lower interfacial tension with alkaline solution and favour for alkaline flooding .


  19. Through the incorporation of behavioural finance and data analytics , the disruptive forces also help to wean the industry off its obsession with FICO scores in favour of analytical models more calibrated with financial health .


  20. Officials familiar with the discussions said that 15 countries voted against renewing the so-called anti-dumping duties , which were imposed in 2006 , with only 12 in favour .
